

is for sale

Mobile App Development

Own The Eyeballs Looking For Mobile App Development With This Category Defining Domain.

There's three types of companies out there in the Mobile App Development space. You've got the shoddy operations, churning out Crapps (crappy apps) for a low 3 to 4 figures per project. You have the mid-level shops that build better quality apps in the 5-figure range. And then you have the leaders who are building high-end, enterprise level apps, for 6 to 7-figures per project. So which one are you?

If your company is looking to dominate the Mobile App Development category, then you obviously want to be at the top of the food chain, building 6 to 7-figure apps for celebrity and enterprise level clients. If that's not your goal, stop reading now, because this information will be wasted on you. But if you're the CEO of a company that's calling themselves a leader in Mobile App Development, you should keep reading ...

There's a thousand other Mobile App Development Studios out there, putting people to sleep with boring website copy, all sounding alike, all claiming to be the same thing - The leader in Mobile App Development. So if you're the leader, how are you proving that?

And are you A Leader or THE Leader? There's a difference. A Leader is doing well in the category. THE Leader owns the category! So which one are you trying to be and is your company's actions congruent with your goal?

MobileAppDevelopment.com is an industry defining domain name that if used properly, can instantly propel you ahead of your competitors and make you THE Leader, effectively owning the category.

How To Use MobileAppDevelopment.com To Take Over A $500+ Billion Dollar Industry ...

Gain Targeted Traffic and Instant Credibility

You do know that a portion of potential customers skip Google and simply type in MobileAppDevelopment.com, right? So if this domain was pointed to your website or if you had an additional website set up there, solely for lead generation ... what could your sales team do with those free leads? ... Here's another question ...

WHY do you think a portion of people skip Google and simply type in MobileAppDevelopment.com? Answer: Curiosity and expectation. Potential customers are thinking: Hmmm ... I wonder who will show up at MobileAppDevelopment.com? Surely if I go to this website, there has to be a reputable industry resource with information about how to build mobile apps, right? Or the category leader who can build one for me?

Subconsciously people who automatically navigate to MobileAppDevelopment.com, without the help of a search engine, believe that the leader of this category will be found there! The address is automatically perceived as credible.

Owning this exact match domain provides instant credibility and is a dominating move, establishing your company as the definitive resource or leading service provider in the Mobile App Development space.

Block Competitors

Owning MobileAppDevelopment.com can be a defensive acquisition to block competitors. Think world domination! What kind of defense would you have against competitors, if you owned 70 percent or more of the relevant website addresses in your category, ensuring that all roads lead to you?

Buying a portfolio of related domain names, allows you to "own your niche" and keeps your competition from using them for their benefit and against you. What if they buy the domain names that you're thinking about buying?

More than likely, you'll never get the opportunity to own them again. And now those powerful domains are being used against you. Don't look back someday and regret not owning MobileAppDevelopment.com

Think about this ...

Why does Bank Of America own Loans.com?
Why does Barnes and Noble own Book.com and Books.com?
Why does Russian Standard own Vodka.com?

Why does GoFundMe.com own CrowdFunding.com?
Why does Johnson & Johnson own Baby.com?
Why does Anderson Rentals own Potty.com?

Why does AT&T own Mobile.com and WebHosting.com?
Why does Anheuser Busch own DesignatedDriver.com?
Why does Avis Budget own AutoRental.com and RentaCar.com?

Why does Kay Jewelers own Gold.com?
Why does Citibank own Finance.com and Mortgage.com?
Why does Intuit own Apps.com and Payroll.com?

Why does L'oreal own Skincare.com and Makeup.com?

Hmmm ... Do you really need me to keep going? There's about a couple hundred more I could mention. What do these companies know about owning category-defining generic domain names that you don't?

Attention. Influence. Recognition. And Money

Do you think owning the number one keyword in your category as a dotcom address would gain you attention?

What do you think would happen if you decided to "go all in" and create a massive amount of high-quality content at MobileAppDevelopment.com, building the most definitive resource online, for the Mobile App Development space? 

Do you think influencers in your field would easily link out to it? Do you think it would easily rank number one on the first page of Google, for the search term "Mobile App Development"? Do you think you'd be able to pull a massive amount of eyeballs that would spend tons of time on your site, consuming content?

Would these people consuming your content think that you were THE Leader in the Mobile App Development space? Do you think these people consuming your content would trust you? Do you think they'd buy from you?

I think you know the answer to all those questions is a no-brainer. YES. Of course they would. And here's another no-brainer ...

What quality of leads do you think you could attract with this type of resource at MobileAppDevelopment.com? How many people in the Mobile App Development space would love to pay you to advertise there - if you LET them? How much do you think they'd be willing to pay for serious leads that have 6 and 7-figure budgets?

Better Ad Ranking and Conversion

Microsoft Research conducted a lengthy study on the phenomenon they coined as "domain bias. It showed that if you have a domain that exactly matches the search term (like MobileAppDevelopment.com), or a well known trusted domain name (like Amazon), it gives you a competitive advantage, because people really do pay attention to the URL in search results before deciding to click. And this is true regardless of the position of the URL on a search results page!

The study also showed that searchers are 25% more likely to click on an exact match domain name. For example, check out the ad below. When your potential customer is searching for "Mobile App Development" and sees this ad, with MobileAppDevelopment.com attached ... out of all the results shown ... which ad do you think they're most likely to click on and click on first?

The Leader In Mobile App Development
Other Companies Claim To Be The Leader In Mobile App Development. We Actually Are.
Build Your App With The Most Recognized And Trusted Talent In The Business!
Award Winning Development • Apps & Games • Rated # 1 In Our Category.

Click-thru rates can dramatically increase by having a credible and trusted domain, which will also increase your quality score within Google Ads, up your Ad Rank and decrease your cost-per-click, saving you money on your marketing and increasing your conversions.

This is really a no-brainer ... even if you're running ads in print or on TV, you're still trying to attract potential customers who are actively searching for "Mobile App Development". So instead of tagging the ad with your branded company web address, like everybody else, you instead use MobileAppDevelopment.com. Now how much more effective do you think your advertising will be, since of course you're trying to attract people that are searching for "Mobile App Development"?

Authoritative Email

How would you be perceived by potential customers looking for Mobile App Development, if the contact info on your business cards and other promotional materials, read: YourName@MobileAppDevelopment.com?

Would that impress them? Would they think you're definitely THE Leader in your field? Would they consider you an expert? Would they trust you? Would they easily remember your website address? Would it stick in their head? Would they trust your website address? Do you think it would help you make a sale?

This is another no-brainer. Of course all the answers here are YES. Your email address becomes a powerful sales and marketing tool. Selling for you 24-7. Making a statement and declaring authority, all without you having to say a word!

App Development School

How valuable and effective do you think MobileAppDevelopment.com would be to a school offering education in Mobile App Development? If they ran ads online or even in print or TV, with MobileAppDevelopment.com as the address for more info, how effective do you think the ads would be at getting people to click or call for more information?

Would people trust them? Would they be seen as THE Leading school? Do you think it would help them get more students to enroll? These are all a no-brainer. Of course the answer is YES.

App Development Community

You could build a Mobile App Development community, specifically for developers to come and showcase their work, share ideas, resources, put themselves out for hire, etc. Think Dribble and/or Behance, specifically for high-end Mobile App Development. Serious clients could come here and find talent. The going rate for top-notch freelance app developers is $150 to $200 per hour and flat rate projects for highly polished games and enterprise business apps, start at 6-figures and climbs to 7.


Do you currently host or plan to host, the leading and most respected mobile app development conference on the market? If so, wouldn't it make since to own the digital real estate that defines your content and distinguishes you as the leader of your category? Do you think owning MobileAppDevelopment.com would make a statement to your potential attendees and play well in your marketing? Yeahhh ... you know it would.

Become The Category Leader!

If you're a visionary in Mobile App Development, I'm sure you see the obvious value in owning this domain asset. We're living in a mobile-first era. Global app revenues exceeded $400 billion in 2023. So unless apps suddenly become obsolete somehow over the coming years, this domain name will continually increase in value, as more and more companies seek to compete in mobile.

MobileAppDevelopment.com, used effectively, could help you quickly "own the category"! If you’re building high-end enterprise business apps and mobile games, invest in this domain asset now, before it ends up in the hands of one of your competitors!


Think about what this domain is worth to your startup, rebrand, new product or service launch and then fill out the form below, to send me a serious offer/proposal.

FAQ's About Offers

A serious offer starts at $50,000+. If you've got a real budget within that range, then we can begin a conversation.

$50k could be the magic number, but don't run with that, because most times it's not. $50k is an opener to having a serious conversation about the true value of the name, in relation to your particular enterprise and/or industry, and if you're a qualified buyer.

If a $50,000 starting price has you running for the hills - you might wanna re-think that "big idea". It's probably not as great and profitable as you think.

You may also want to do some due diligence and get up to speed on domain name values.

Domains are unique digital assets and my pricing is value-based.

Beyond the brand-worthiness of the name, its popularity, keywords, length, ease of pronunciation and memorability - my pricing is based on 2 main factors:

1. The highest and best use of the asset in a competitive business category.

2. The monetary and intrinsic value the asset will bring to an existing or future business, that's seeking to be the category leader.

I accept offers to acquire and normally sell my domain names in the ranges of 5 to 7-figures. Some names can even climb to 8-figures - so you need to be launching something that's a big deal, in order to justify the investment in your company's branding.

My ideal clients are well-funded entrepreneurs, engaged in big business, launching scalable enterprises that produce multi-million to multi-billion dollar revenues.

Like physical real estate, domain names are digital real estate and the best addresses sell for thousands to millions of dollars on the aftermarket.

Most aftermarket domain inquiries are from curious "Looky-Loos" and/or wannabe entrepreneurs with half-baked ideas, wanting premium names at bargain-basement prices ... I don't respond to such inquiries. 

If you sent an offer that was below the $50,000 minimum and/or you didn't submit authentic contact information, in hopes of a stealth acquisition ... your "offer" went ignored.

Also, inquiries coming from free email accounts, I rarely take seriously. So if you're using a Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or any other free email account, your offer probably went into my "suspect" folder and never got my attention. 

My names are valuable assets and I receive a lot of interest, so for sake of time, I only reply to real offers that make sense.

My ideal clients are well-funded entrepreneurs, engaged in big business, launching scalable enterprises that produce multi-million to multi-billion dollar revenues. I only respond to serious offers from individuals or companies who meet that criteria and understand the value of the asset into which they're looking to acquire.

Most times, no.

Domain brokers usually try to achieve stealth acquisitions of domain names by submitting anonymous offers from a buyer in the shadows ...

I don't entertain "cloak and dagger" style inquiries.

If you're a broker representing a client who wants to acquire one of my names, then be prepared to provide your client's identity and their business intentions for the domain.

Otherwise, it's a non-starter.

Yes. I offer zero interest monthly payment plans, depending on the size of the transaction.

I accept Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, bank wires, escrow payments through Escrow.com and escrow through my attorney's trust account.

If we're using an Escrow service, the associated fees fall on you. Once the dough hits escrow, I transfer the domain name and any brand related assets to your control.

After you confirm ownership, funds are released to me.


More Business Names

Need Custom Naming?

No problem. I can whip up a fancy schmancy new name, customized specifically for your brand vision and business category.

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