
Fortune Favors The Bold

Fortune favors the bold! There’s a mouthful in the brevity of that 4-word statement. It simply defines the reason why most people aren’t successful. They want the money. They want the fame. They want the freedom. They want the toys. But for the average person, when it comes to following

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Scared Money Don’t Make Money

Scared Money Don’t Make Money! It’s a law you’ll never be able to break, shortcut or circumvent. And in trying to do so, you’ll only succeed in digging a deeper hole of lack and limitation for yourself. So what exactly is “Scared Money”? “Scared Money” is a mindset. “Scared Money” is

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Morning Sex And Success!

If you want big money … scalable money … long-term money … Then you’re gonna need to get up early and work on some BIG A$$ ideas! Getting up early has it’s rewards – like morning sex 😉 … And when the bank updates your account at 5am and you

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